Creative Solutions

A design service company specialized in transportation design and a several kind of products.
Our mission is to continue the tradition and the legacy of the family through creative and functional solutions, as well as aesthetic refinement.
We constantly seeking for the full satisfaction of our customers and the users of their products.

Past, present & future...
A family history of tradition and passion for product design, which began in the 1960’s by Adilo Francisco Stavinski (uncle) and Jose Carlos Stavinski (father) and continues to advance at the hands of Andre Stavinski (son) who is motivated by the accumulated experiences in almost 60 years of work, performed in several companies in southern Brazil and abroad.
We are enthusiasts who work to create elegant and functional icons, full of meaning.
Our holistic sense delivers a complete solution, exceeding our customers' expectations with creations that add value to your business by providing differentiated user experiences.

André Stavinski (Son)
He began his career at Comil Buses in 1995 (influenced by his father and sister) and then he worked almost 13 years at Maxibus in Caxias do Sul and Flores da Cunha. Finally he was working 11 years at Marcopolo where he had several experiences with projects in Brazil and abroad in the units of this big company.
He was graduated in Architecture and Urbanism - UCS and postgraduate in Design and Innovation Management – FSG

Adilo Francisco Stavinski (Uncle)
Also with technical graduation at SENAI, ”Frank” worked in Brazil in the 60s in important companies such as Dambroz, Furcare, Nicola, among others. He has been living in the US for over 50 years where he has worked mainly in heavy construction projects.
José Carlos Stavinski (Father)
With technical graduation at SENAI, he has worked since his 14 years with bus body projects (influenced by his brother) in companies such as Furcare Nimbus, Nicola, Incasel, Comil, Maxibus and Marcopolo, as well as other companies in other segments such as Scania, Agrale, Semeato, Pingo Trailers and Manfro Trailers.

Work we have done that shows our concern for the quality of our service and the stories of each client.

Work Process
What we do to get the best result!
We are able to propose appropriate product design solutions through an objective work process, divided into 4 steps.
2. Design Conceitual
É a fase que compreende os primeiros esboços conceituais a partir dos Inputs e avança até o projeto conceitual em 3D, exceto detalhamentos construtivos do produto. a. Ideação . rascunhos a partir dos Inputs de projeto b. Sketches digitais . Esboços aprimorados com software de edição de imagens c. 2D modelling . Projeto 2D em CAD com dimensões precisas + ilustração em CorelDraw d. 3D modelling . Projeto 3D em Alias Design ou Solidworks (depende da qualidade de superfície desejadas)

3. Design Construtivo
O Design construtivo, conhecido como "feasibility" em termo do inglês, é o detalhamento do projeto que define a maior parte dos materiais e sua solução de montagem para produção seriada, com confecção de protótipos e validações (try-outs).

4. Design de apresentação (Visual Design)
De forma virtual, em software de rendering e realidade virtual (com óculos RV)
Em Mockups físicos com a construção e apresentação de modelos tridimensionais impressos ou usinados em escala reduzida (maquetes) ou em escala real 1:1

Tel: +55 54 3536-7677
WhatsApp: +55 54 98112 7519
Mail: andrest@stavinskidesign.com.br
Rua Andrade Neves, 1010 / 601
Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil
1. Pesquisa
Podemos utilizar diferentes metodologias de geração de inputs , dependendo da complexidade e necessidade de cada projeto.
a. Benchmarking e pesquisa de campo
b. Curvas de experiência
c. Analise STEMP
d. Roadmap Tecnológico